• @Paragone@lemmy.world
    41 month ago

    Biden’s “strategy” is holding his faith in Inertia and Entitlement.

    He CAN’T get his head outside of that inertia & entitlement.

    I don’t think he can win as it is, and I think the economic house-of-cards is coming down, no matter how much bullshit propping-it-up continues being lavished on it, globally, I think it’s coming down in September, ripping the rug out from under the Dems ( backlash-vote always nukes the incumbent, in economic wipeouts )

    Rabid fascism is real, and treating it as minor is … russian roulette.

    Inertia, institutional ignoring-the-grass-roots and relying on institutional entitlement … it isn’t only Sunak who’s coasting on delusion…

    just my opinions, but there’s some real similarity, between the immune-to-reality ignorance in Sunak & the immune-to-reality ignorance in Biden.

    • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
      01 month ago

      Know what comes due in September?

      Student loan payments, automatic forbearance ends September 30, 2024. Nearly 70% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck already. Throw in the restarting of those payments and it’s a looming disaster.

  • @Zaktor
    41 month ago

    I’m ending the interview. I’m ending the interview because what you’re doing is ridiculous.

    What a joke of an interviewee. Reporter should have just scrapped his planned piece then, because there was no way this dude was going to give real answers. It’s an entire interview of spin and outright denial. There are some people who have an argument for why current polling might not be so bad or how we’re going to change things, but this guy was like a toddler having a tantrum. “Nuh uh!”

    I guess it proved the title, but man was it kind of a worthless read.

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    41 month ago

    I got a fundraising text the other day asking for help in North Carolina, suggesting Biden could flip it.

    In my lifetime, NC has gone blue twice: Carter in 1976 and Obama in 2008. That’s it. Not even in 2012.

    If that’s not false hope, I don’t know what is.

    Current polling says Trump +2 to +3, as high as +7.

    I told them to forget NC, he doesn’t need it, he needs PA, MI, WI.

    PA, MI - waffling between Trump +2-3 and Biden +2-3 which is good to see, it might be switching to full Biden support now.

    WI - I don’t even know anymore. Tied? Trump+1? Trump+8? All recent polling.

    • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
      -51 month ago

      I have a bad feeling Biden won’t win PA. Friends and family there and anecdotal but it’s not looking good according to them.

      • rigatti
        81 month ago

        If you want some counter anecdotal evidence, I live in PA, and in 2016/2020 there were Trump signs everywhere. I never really see them anymore.

          • rigatti
            21 month ago

            That’s about as Trumpy of an area as it gets. I’m in Pittsburgh which is very blue, and still there were large amounts of Trump supporting pockets in the past compared to now.

      • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
        41 month ago

        I feel better now, it had gone from solid Biden, to flipping back and forth, to solid Trump, now it’s flipping back and forth again.

        Looking like Biden has the momentum, but he really needs to start acting like the campaign has started and not after the DNC in August.

      • @horsey@lemm.ee
        41 month ago

        “A bad feeling”, but you say you hate Biden and constantly post negative articles about him while never saying shit about Trump? I see.

          • @horsey@lemm.ee
            11 month ago

            Also, that’s very appropriate - Peter griffin is well known as an intellectual luminary.

          • @horsey@lemm.ee
            11 month ago

            That’s fine, you can dislike Biden all you want. Spending tons of effort to discourage people from voting for Biden has the same effect as supporting Trump, though, which is the entire point. So, great job helping Trump out.

              • @horsey@lemm.ee
                31 month ago

                Do you have any original thoughts or can you only communicate with stupid, easily discarded memes that someone else made?

                Third parties don’t work in the US first past the post system. To support that, agitate for comprehensive, nationwide election reform. Otherwise, you’re getting the candidate you theorretically dislike more elected and are an idiot.

                Anyway, just weird how I never hear anything from the ‘OMG I’m so leftist crowd’ about being concerned about Trump winning, and the Republican’s plans for the country. Never. Nothing. Just “JOR BIDEN SO BAD OHMERGERD” over and over. If you don’t comprehend you’re helping Trump, you are either naive, very stupid, or disingenuous.

          • @Jafoo@lemmy.world
            11 month ago

            Republicans fall in line, while Democrats want their Presidential candidates make them fall in love

  • @NegativeLookBehind@lemmy.world
    41 month ago

    I often wonder; what was the play with Israel? He knew this shit wouldn’t be popular with his base, and in an election year of all things.

    • @Riccosuave@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      He knew this shit wouldn’t be popular with his base

      Did he though? I think it is much more likely that he is either:

      • (Most Likely Scenario): Living in the past, is completely out of touch with the modern liberal voter base, and is under the illusion that some segment of the older moderates in the base still actively give a fuck about supporting Israel.

      • (Less Likely Scenario): Trying to strategically thread the needle because he knows that attacking Israel will cause them to further undermine American democracy, and lead to them playing double agent while they assist Russia in installing Donald Trump as president.

      In either scenario I believe he thought he was preserving his election chances. What these fucking morons in the entrenched neo-liberal political class fail to realize is that the overwhelming majority of the electorate does not want the US involved in funding any more offensive conflicts, and that there are actually repercussions for the moral disgust people feel over their tax dollars being used to murder innocent people. At some point the “vote for me or get fucked in the ass” proposition fails to be effective anymore, and people just bend over.

  • @Jafoo@lemmy.world
    21 month ago

    Both Biden AND Trump are running on the false hope that they’ll survive till the end of a 2nd term in office