There is a general tendency on the internet that any forum that promotes free speech and only moderates spam and illegal posts, but does not remove posts based on their content, becomes majority right wing after some time. There are left-wing forums with censorship, and there are right-wing forums with censorship, of course. But if you let people discuss their ideas freely without interference, the mostly tend to become right-wing. It seems that without censorship and content-based moderation artificially steering discussion left-wing ideas cannot exist.

    2 years ago

    I mean, what even is the alt-right?

    As far as I can tell it’s just a carry-all slur for anybody who disagrees with whatever the corporate establishment media has told us is important this week.

    It’s a little bit sad, but seems like the smartest thing that those who absolutely refuse to allow any changes to the status quo ever did was enlist a bunch of people who lack critical thinking skills into an army of pro-establishment hacks who somehow think that they’re “fighting the power” by standing up for the rights of Coca-Cola or general electric.