• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 16th, 2022

  • The founder of the forum is Joshua Moon, his details are public. Slander on Wikipedia has nothing to do with whether or not it has freedom of speech, which it does, Josh is a free speech fundamentalist. There is no doxxing on the forum, the members republish already publicly available information.

    They only remove content when absolutely legally required and forced to by law: https://kiwifarms.net/help/removing-content/ The founder went to court with numerous people to defend the right to free speech of members, and has won every time. In advance of your predictable claim that this constitutes censorship, in no way can complying only with the strictest legal demands be possibly construed as such in any meaning of the word. Again, no content is ever deleted for stating opinions or facts of any kind, and the owner of the forum goes to ridiculous lengths to protect that right. You will not find anyone more dedicated to this ideal. This is in stark contrast to forums such as reddit or facebook that employ far reaching and extensive lists of allowed and disallowed content effectively stifling any serious discussion of any topic and allowing only advertiser-friendly content.

  • So if some people are not able to afford good clothing, they should all be forced to wear poor clothing? School uniforms are typically ill-fitting, made of poor quality materials, and uncomfortable to wear, precisely because they are cheap. I see no reason anyone should be forced to endure wearing them, especially since uncomfortable clothes can negatively impact academic performance and the ability to focus and learn. I doubt there are any studies that show any positive effects of wearing uniforms at school. They are a way to teach children compliance and unquestioning obedience from a young age, it’s a social control mechanism that benefits those in power and conditions people to submit to authority. It is also a ritual humiliation practice that punishes those that could be otherwise able to differentiate themselves from the crowd positively.

  • That’s a common piece of misinformation that tries to make it seem as though everyone is as biased as those who employ censorship, which is not true. I have been a part of communities with incredible diversity of opinions where the only moderation was removing automated spam and other destructive participants. No, that does not mean censorship, because they never deleted posts because of opinions or facts they presented. It really is possible to have discussion forums with free speech, although many that attempt are relentlessly attacked on all possible fronts until they cave in and start censoring.

  • What’s the point of posting a thesis if you’re going to immediately argue against it? I haven’t seen anyone really arguing that capitalism favors intelligence, at least not in the sense you’re arguing against. Capitalism favors efficiency, or rather it favors nothing, it’s just that with relatively unconstrained conditions for competition those who are more efficient tend to survive. You clearly have an axe to grind against Musk, so why not post an opening statement against that guy in particular, instead of what is effectively a strawman against capitalism as a whole.