• @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
        -19 days ago

        At this point I’m very much done with all the “theoretical politics”.

        Just like America saying that they want a two state solution and then block it and make up some BS reason to pretend “the entire world isn’t smart enough to understand”.

        • @jmcs@discuss.tchncs.de
          18 days ago

          Because international law is more about “there’s a general consensus about this” than written law (and in few places this is as true as what counts as a sovereign entity), this kind of organized action can have more impact than they might seem at first.

  • @brainrein@feddit.de
    1411 days ago

    I am worried that this will only be a symbolic gesture. Palestine can not be a state with 700,000 settlers on the Westbank and the settlers will never accept to give up the settlements and the Israeli state will never force the settlers to do something they don’t accept.

    So the question is, if the EU is ready to put real pressure on Israel like they did on the South African Apartheid regime. And will they get the only superpower and hegemon USA to join their efforts.

    Not to speak of my country, Germany, where most of the people don’t even know about the Palestinian cause and every opinion differing from the Israeli government’s announcements is officially considered antisemitic.

    But it’s a nice move and actually Spain and Ireland are the only countries to mitigate my shame for being European.

    • @jorp@lemmy.world
      3811 days ago

      You’re not welcome here, whether this is sincere anti-Jewish bigotry or whether this is some troll attempt.