• mycodesucks@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    See, that’s the thing though. That’s not the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario is while I’m doing that I’m forgoing time and energy that is so limited now and could be better spent spending time with my family, or keeping up with housework, or even just resting to prepare for the job that makes everything else possible. For many people, especially as their energy reduces over time, the sheer number of demands that come with age do not provide for “what the heck, let’s try it” with any regularity. I appreciate the thought, but when capacity is limited everything comes with an opportunity cost.

    • gap_betweenus@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      There are always reasons not to do things. Which is what the comic is ultimately about for me. But than again - you have your life and I don’t know what is going on there - so no judgment. I just always thing we all need some creative outlet and I love getting people who don’t do creative stuff into doing it, be it just for one time (since I’m not a musician I like to draw with folks). And I’m not the youngest myself - so it’s not like I’m talking completely out of my ass.