• andxz@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Sure, that isn’t hard at all, unless you got your head stuck up your ass.

      You question the need to have adequate nutrition, access to affordable (or preferably free, as it is here) childcare, affordable housing and transport and to top it off, you seem to have something against a wage you can actually live on, instead of barely getting by month-to-month.

      So yes, you definitely dehumanize a vast majority of the human beings that try to survive on this planet, and you do it in a really ugly way, too.

      Shame on you.

      • ObjectivityIncarnate@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        You question the need to have adequate nutrition

        You are literally lying. I did not say or even begin to imply that. Are you really so shameless to be this blatantly dishonest, when there is a full record of everything I literally wrote right there as evidence of your lie?

        [You question the need to have] access to affordable (or preferably free, as it is here) childcare

        Again, a lie. I was making a point about how the fact that people have differing numbers of children makes the assertion that ‘a living wage must include the cost of childcare’ overly simplistic. I was trying to get them to actually think their position through and go into more detail about how they think such should actually be calculated. Do you do it based on the average number of children people have? Do you have an amount X that must be added to one’s wage per child they have? And so on.

        affordable housing and transport

        Again, similar to the above, all I did was ask for more detail because this is too simplistic. “Housing” is something with an EXTREMELY variable cost. And both “transport” and the need for it, also vary wildly from person to person.

        I know that general ‘cost of living’ varies from place to place, so a single dollar amount is not appropriate for a ‘living wage’ proposal. But my point, clearly, is that even defining living wage by saying, for example, that part of it should include ‘the cost of childcare’ is STILL not specific enough, to be something you’re even at the level of being able to PROPOSE to anyone. If those ‘pieces’ that add up to the living wage are never defined, how do you expect them to be calculated?

        There are hard questions here that ‘minimum wage should be living wage’ proponents NEED to answer, if they expect their cause to go anywhere. All I did was point that fact out. To call that “dehumanizing” is absolutely ridiculous. Insisting that you formulate your proposal to a degree that it’s ACTUALLY ACTIONABLE, is not even on the same planet as ‘questioning the need to have adequate nutrition’ or any of the other bizarre bollocks you accused me of.

        So no, shame on you, for having such poor reading comprehension.

        • andxz@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Nah, it’s you. Hiding your argument behind semantics and policy is even worse than coming out and saying you think all the poor people should die - at least then you’d be honest, instead of these theatrics.

          • ObjectivityIncarnate@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            “Make minimum wage a living wage?”
            “How much would that be?”
            “You think all the poor people should die!”

            If your fingers were any further in your ears, the tips would be touching.

            I hope you become willing to use your brain one day.

            • andxz@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              I didn’t expect you to do anything else than continue that particular charade, and you didn’t disappoint.

              You’re not doing anything original though, you sound juuuust like all the other temporarily embarrassed millionaires (and real ones, for that matter) that vote against anything even remotely humane.

              Free lunch for the children? Fuck no. A wage you can prosper on? Think of the shareholders! Adequate nutrition? Eat cake, or something. etc.

              You may think your arguments are completely normal, but they are anything but, no matter how much bullshit you try to spin. It’s pretty telling that all your arguments so far have been personal attacks and not much else.

              After all I’m just one of those poor people that doesn’t know his place, right?

              • ObjectivityIncarnate@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                It’s truly pathetic to be this proud of strawmanning someone.

                It’s pretty telling that all your arguments so far have been personal attacks and not much else.

                LMAO, this literally the exact opposite of the truth! All the personal attacks are coming AT me, not from me.

                On what planet is pointing out weaknesses in an argument a personal attack? I’m trying to get you guys to come up with a proposal that has some actual substance. How the fuck do you expect this to actually happen if this is how you react to someone asking you to properly structure your plan?

                You will never, ever, effect any sort of ‘living wage’ legislation if you can’t even define it. You won’t even reach the first step of making it a thing. That’s the reality check–you don’t even actually know what you want!

                This is what’s happening here: https://imgflip.com/i/8moz5y

                • andxz@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  You know who else avoids ever having to change things by saying it’s impossible?

                  I’ll help you; it’s the ones profiting from the current system and for some reason you’re defending that system and the ones that perpetuate it.

                  You questioned my reading comprehension several times and I’d dare say that qualifies as a personal attack. The problem isn’t my comprehension, it’s your half-assed rhetoric.

                  • ObjectivityIncarnate@lemmy.world
                    6 months ago

                    You know who else avoids ever having to change things by saying it’s impossible?

                    What an idiotic sentence to say to someone who literally never said anything was impossible.

                    You questioned my reading comprehension several times and I’d dare say that qualifies as a personal attack.

                    When you respond to a statement in a way that makes it clear you did not at all understand what you read, pointing out the lack of reading comprehension is stating a fact, not an insult.

                    The above is another perfect example. You want to compare me to someone else, as having “avoids ever having to change things by saying it’s impossible” in common, when I literally never said anything was impossible.

                    If you are reading things that are literally not there, that is a lack of reading comprehension. It’s no more of a “personal attack” to point that out, than it is to say that someone who just finished saying 2 + 2 = 5, is bad at math.

                    Ironically, I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt. I could argue that you’re deliberately and maliciously putting words in my mouth, instead of genuinely not understanding what I wrote. Accusing you of being dishonest in that way, now that would be a personal attack.