• Justin
    273 months ago

    Ukrainian forces appear to have repelled a Russian battalion-sized mechanized assault near Avdiivka, Donetsk Oblast, on March 30 — the first battalion-sized mechanized assault since Russian forces began the campaign to seize Avdiivka in late October. A Ukrainian serviceman reported on March 31 that Russian forces, including elements of the Russian 6th Tank Regiment (90th Tank Division, Central Military District [CMD]), committed 36 tanks and 12 BMP infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) to a large-mechanized assault near Tonenke on March 30.[20] Geolocated imagery published on March 31 shows a large number of destroyed and damaged Russian armored vehicles and tanks along a road northwest of Tonenke (west of Avdiivka).[21] The Ukrainian serviceman stated that Ukrainian forces destroyed 12 Russian tanks and eight IFVs during the assault and noted that the frontal assault failed to breakthrough the Ukrainian line.

    Ukraine’s demonstrated ability to skillfully defend against a large-scale Russian assault in a particularly critical part of the front despite Ukraine’s challenges suggests that Ukrainian forces can achieve significant battlefield effects if they are properly equipped.

    The Russian military command’s willingness to commit a battalion’s worth of tanks to an attack near Avdiivka indicates that this assault was a priority effort. The Russian command may focus their forecasted late spring/summer 2024 offensive operation on western Donetsk Oblast in hopes of building upon Russian forces’ steady but marginal advances in this sector.[26]


  • @lockeOP
    263 months ago

    … but it ended pretty well.

  • Buelldozer
    243 months ago

    Somewhere there’s a whole airfield of A-10s crying themselves to sleep for not being invited to the party. Please, won’t someone think of the warthogs?

    • @Maalus@lemmy.world
      23 months ago

      With the amount of SAM’s, the training required etc, they would be useless. Or worse yet, they would be a huge propaganda for Russia when they down 50% of them in the first month. It is mostly an obsolete plane that doesn’t do well against an opponent with an army

  • @tourist@lemmy.world
    93 months ago

    me when I lose hundreds of millions of dollars in one day 766 days into the 3 day special military operation