I just don’t see how the far right can rise or how they can win. The odds are so stacked against them. Is this something to actually be worried about ?

The reason I ask this is because I am a leftist and if your using lemmy I am going to assume you are to. I feel like this “the far right is rising” narrative is an attempt by the neo liberal establishment to trick class focused leftist into supporting the status quo as a bulwark against a far right rise.

  • AntiYT519@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago

    so the removal of bodily autonomy and forced birth is, what exactly?

    not something the rich support, basically every big corporation supports abortion


    I bring up Gen Z because they are the future of society, even their small vote was enough to turn the tide for Biden in 2020 and for the dems in 2022, the older generations that don’t support queer rights will be dead soon

    Lastly you accusing me of supporting the great replacement is a low blow, I am Turkish for your information and I am not to fond of white people. How was anything I said wrong ? The white population is declining is objectively true and I think that’s a good thing. White people do kill themselves a lot again that is just true white males have the highest suicide. You appeal to history a lot, what happens when white people try to oppose their will on POCs ? If never ends well. Look at Hati,Zimbabwe,South Africa and Africa more broadly,Ataturk kicking the whites out of Turkey and the Russo Japanese war.