Hi everyone, I’ve come seeking your wisdom.

I love brewing beers. Im also, apparently, irresponsible when it comes to alcohol consumption. So I decided thotmi wont have alcohol in my house anymore. But I also want to still brew, and enjoy my brew.

So, is there a good way of de-alcoholizing the brew after it fetments, such that the flavor wont be impacted, or will be minimally impacted?.

Thank you, oh wise Lemmy hive mind

  • planforrain@lemmy.sdf.org
    2 years ago

    I’ve tried some craft non-alcoholic beers and didn’t really like them. Too sweet, grainy in a weird way. It sounds hard to pull off removing the alcohol at a small scale anyway and it seems like a lot of work. I have never heard of the super low abv recipes in this thread, I’ll have to look closer.

    I think kombucha is going to feel the most like brewing beer in the sense that it requires sanitation, boiling, waiting. If you don’t like it then probably a no go but my family is obsessed. I made it a few times but only thought it was better than store bought once, I’d like to get better at.it.

    Hop water also sounds really good, I had hopped hard seltzer but the cheap alcohol in hard seltzer always tastes bad to me. Reminds me of making straight table sugar alcohol.

    Craft sodas with homemade extracts would also be fun. Low sugar with steeped peach syrup and mint or strawberry basil. I have only tried root beer from extract and keg carbonated lemonade so far.

    • SpiderShoeCultM
      2 years ago

      I had a kombucha culture going for about a year. I’d find that it oscillated quite a lot in that time between delicious and vinegar, I’ve yet to crack the code of what it needs and when.

      Mixing it with fresh pineapple juice before bottling made it way better in my opinion. Just enough juice to get carbonation, nothing extreme.

      Also just to add that kombucha can be quite alcoholic so if OP is looking to reduce ethanol intake it may not be the best option without a way to be absolutely sure it’s low alcohol.