Changelog for 2023-06-27 to 2023-07-03

These are the new changes over the past week, collated by yours truly with this hacky script :P

(Split the changelog into multiple parts because it’s over the 10k character limit)
Part 2 (comment)
Part 3 (comment)
Part 4 (comment)


  • #61087 - Lock vehicle doors
    by Numbuh474
    Summary: “Make vehicle doors lockable and pickable”
  • #66611 - Make lanterns plug-in-able
    by ashGlaw
    Summary: “Give electric lanterns power cords”
  • #66585 - update to kerosene spawns and refillable lighter
    by Daved27hundred
    Summary: “Refillable lighters use kerosene instead of gasoline + touched up kerosene spawns”


  • #66503 - adds some new possible nightmares
    by Daved27hundred
    Summary: “Adds a couple new nightmares based on nightmares that I’ve had”
  • #66498 - Add double holsters
    by Paprika-H
    Summary: “Double Decker Holsters”
  • #66484 - Pantsaclysm, Trouser Variants Ahead.
    by DoctorBoomstick
    Summary: “adds cosmetic variants for various items, including regular pants, fur coats, high-heels, and knee-length boots, as well as also adding tactical pants to the game.”
  • #66511 - Vegan Trait
    by Paprika-H
    Summary: “Vegan Trait”
  • #66380 - Cast iron
    by Karol1223
    Summary: “Actual cast iron resources”
  • #66529 - Condom Variants
    by Paprika-H
    Summary: “Condom Varieties”
  • #66271 - Rebreathers rework and general revisit
    by randomtyper
    Summary: “Reworks rebreathers”
  • #65732 - Faction succession without death
    by RenechCDDA
    Summary: “You can now choose a new leader for your faction without dying”
  • #66551 - Active backup generator —> Functional generator appliance, useable in player grids
    by RenechCDDA
    Summary: “Active backup generator can now be transformed into an appliance”
  • #65942 - Digitigrade mutation
    by GalacticApple
    Summary: “Adds the Digitigrade Legs mutation which increases crouching move-speed and restricts footwear.”
  • #63701 - Change single Talmud to multiple volumes of English Talmud Yerushalmi
    by Standing-Storm
    Summary: “replace single-volume Talmud with the 51 volumes of the English Talmud Yerushalmi using variants”
  • #66595 - Add ability to make slime globs into slime samples
    by randomtyper
    Summary: “Makes slime samples craftable from slime globs”
  • #66592 - This should add hm-12 to robofac trades
    by Vgoloshivskiy
    Summary: “Add hm12 to possible trades”
  • #66584 - Motel changes
    by Procyonae
    Summary: “Minor motel changes”
  • #66569 - added flesh property to snail_garden
    by fyhannes
    Summary: “Characters with Meat Intolerance are now allergic to raw snails”
  • #66540 - Binders! (the trans kind)
    by Paprika-H
    Summary: “Adds binders, XL, and XS bras”
  • #66499 - Unhardcode “crater”, improve appearance of mutable craters
    by Procyonae
    Summary: “Mutable (the large not extra ones) craters are now round”
  • #65424 - Turret Weakpoints & Review
    by SolventMercury
    Summary: “Gave Turrets Weakpoints”
  • #66527 - Made Slingshot more Tacticool
    by ashGlaw
    Summary: “Made Slingshots more Tacticool”
  • #66520 - Some more nightmares
    by Empyrean-Heaven
    Summary: “Adds some new nightmares”
  • #66508 - Bastion fort fallback_predecessor, palette tweaks, tourist and closed variants
    by Procyonae
    Summary: “Fixes Bastion Fort terrain and adds variance”
  • #66462 - Phone case variants, to infinity, and beyond.
    by DoctorBoomstick
    Summary: “adds multiple boatloads of new phone case variants, based, mostly, around different horror movies.”
  • #66218 - Map Item Audit
    by Procyonae
    Summary: “Adds new map items and reviews existing ones”
  • officer_dirtbag@cdda.socialOPM
    2 years ago

    (Part 2)


    • #66493 - remove fine screwdriving from multitool
      by anoobindisguise
      Summary: “multitool no longer has fine screwdriving”
    • #66485 - Add missing mutagen types to mutagen item groups
      by RenechCDDA
      Summary: “Add missing mutagen types to mutagen item groups (spawn in labs etc)”
    • #66514 - make welding practice less resource intensive
      by anoobindisguise
      Summary: “welding practice uses less materials”
    • #66496 - Readd Glorious to Elf-A
      by anoobindisguise
      Summary: “Elf-As are Glorious again”
    • #66541 - fix mine spawns of coal
      by anoobindisguise
      Summary: “mines spawn less coal”
    • #66558 - Partially reduce coverage of gambesons
      by anoobindisguise
      Summary: “Less of aketons/gambesons coverage is 100%”
    • #66557 - Increase world spawns of welding consumables
      by anoobindisguise
      Summary: “bigger spawns of weld consumables”
    • #66575 - Add ability to cull more farmed/bred animals
      by RenechCDDA
      Summary: “Most friendly breedable animals can now be culled without having to attack them”


    • #66490 - Move mansion bookcase memorial items out of the mansion_books item group
      by RenechCDDA
      Summary: “No more memorial items spawning in bookstore shelves, only books!”
    • #66487 - No cities = no roads
      by anoobindisguise
      Summary: “city size 0 disables roads”
    • #66472 - [Magiclysm] Fixes runes’ duration
      by Light-Wave
      Summary: “[Magiclysm] Fixes runes’ duration”
    • #65915 - Adds barrel-length entries to firearm conversion kits.
      by DoctorBoomstick
      Summary: “partially resolves issues in #65824 by adding barrel-length entries to the newly added rifle conversion kits.”
    • #66505 - Fix and re-enable 3D map memory
      by Rewryte
      Summary: “Fix and re-enable 3D map memory”
    • #66463 - Better special placement and road connections
      by Procyonae
      Summary: “Sanity checks special placement and road connections”
    • #66534 - Remote vehicle controller and programmable autopilot fixes
      by deepvelocity
      Summary: “Autopilot & vehicle remote controls”
    • #66482 - Camps display required calories for crafting and building upgrades
      by RenechCDDA
      Summary: “Camps properly display required calories for building and crafting”
    • #66429 - Counter gate move cost
      by Procyonae
      Summary: “Open counter gates are faster to navigate than counters”
    • #66610 - Crater core migration
      by Procyonae
      Summary: “Adds migration for craters”
    • #66591 - Lessens chance to fall on school start
      by Procyonae
      Summary: “Lessens chance to fall on school start”
    • #66580 - Rebreather recipe fixes
      by randomtyper
      Summary: “Fixes rebreather cartridge crafting recipes”
    • #66572 - Makes founders’ leg bags much, much, much rarer.
      by DoctorBoomstick
      Summary: “Fixes the spawn rates for the founders’ leg bag, and also adds spawn weights for the American/ patriotic items which lacked them.”
    • #66571 - Fix endless teapot error
      by Demivan
      Summary: “Fix error when activating non-empty endless teapot”
    • #66570 - Don’t report monsters breaking free from unknown grabbers if the play…
      by aschuhardt
      Summary: “Do not report monsters breaking free of unknown grabbers if the player cannot see them”
    • #66457 - Various Down Bed Fixes
      by theyareclose
      Summary: “Fix Down Mattress interactions with smashing, construction, and deconstructing beds”