After being purchased by Snapchat, it appears that gfycat has been abandoned.

The Gfycat service is being discontinued. Please save or delete your Gfycat content by visiting and logging in to your account. After September 1, 2023, all Gfycat content and data will be deleted from

    1 year ago

    Like the sticker says: there’s no cloud, there’s just someone else’s computer. When the someone decides to use their computer for something else, this sort of thing happens.

    • d-RLY?
      1 year ago

      It is making my somewhat impulsive need to actually download copies of things make sense again. Obviously have had some kind of “b” folder for random memes for years alongside my movies/tv shows/music/etc. Initially it was because streaming and shit was not as big a thing, and even when they got popular there are always random times where internet is down. Which that last point is a very very clear sign of the massive digital divide between urban, suburban, and rural areas. Even between different urban areas you see a huge difference. All these services are made in major tech centres where it is like network access is about as plentiful as air. But are a constant issue for everywhere else.

      I even like to respond to folks that don’t understand the point of actually saving pr0n with all the modern options, by saying you never know when a basic outage might be something big. And so long as the drives and computers are working, it is basically its own currency for trade.

      Given how all the streaming services tend to just lose lots of major things all the time. It is good to know that I can just keep enjoying stuff. Cloud stuff is cool so long as it can be used however the users want/need. But all the companies are trying to turn the net (and even basic programs) into being 100% controlled by everyone but the users. Can’t play single player games without being online, but isn’t an issue if pirated. Try to be “legit” and pay for a movie/show/album, but not be able to use it with a player you like or just have a local copy. AND they still scoop-up all kinds of data on us and everyone we might know. Pay for a steaming service doesn’t even remove ads anymore unless you can justify the higher tier (digital caste system). But then they just make all the options cost more even if ads are present.

      Now we are seeing it get harder and harder to even have basic internet culture that is user generated. We are seeing costs that promise more ability to get these things go higher and higher without then being able to do any of said things. We need to get more things onto decentralized and P2P networks while there is time to figure them out. I2P and Fediverse are great starting points, but need to be easy enough for actual normies to use. And they really only work at an acceptable rate if lots of people keep things like laptops and desktops running as often as possible to keep data moving. Which will make them immediate targets for all the same companies that came after them before the current services were considered “approved.”