I’m thinking on potentionally subscribing for an Unlimited with a student discount.

Are you satisfied with it’s current services? I’ve seen mixed reviews from ProtonVPN. Someone loves it, someone despises it. Also does Proton Pass offer any convenience benefits over Bitwarden?

  • @cygnus@lemmy.ca
    91 month ago

    I have the business plan, which is basically unlimited with more domains. Ask away if you have specific questions.

    • I don’t use the VPN often but it has been fine every time I used it
    • The greatly increased Drive storage was a must for me
    • I also needed extra domains
    • The Pass browser extension is nice because it can generate email aliases directly from any webpage
    • I’m not sure if the other plans have this, but I get SimpleLogin included for “free”
    • PrivateNoobOP
      129 days ago

      If you used free Bitwarden, then does Pass have any possible advantages compared to it?

      • @cygnus@lemmy.ca
        229 days ago

        The main advantage is generating SimpleLogin email aliases on the fly when clicking in any “email” field. Other than that it seems to work about as well as Bitwarden. I wouldn’t pay extra for Proton Pass but it’s a nice bonus.