Hello, How much does a small matrix server that I and my friends can use cost on average? I will also set up Whatsapp, Signal and Discord bridge on the server.

  • poVoq
    2 years ago

    Yeah, that fits to the general experience, although maybe worth mentioning that you really need SSD space or otherwise Synapse will be super slow. Also don’t cheap out on RAM, as Synapse will easily take 1-2GB just for itself.

    It has certainly gotten better, but I still wonder if it is worth it in the end. A XMPP server with similar functionality takes 10-100 times less resources (i.e. happily runs on a 5€/month VPS) and is pretty much maintenance free after setting it up. But of course the bridging situation is a bit better Matrix side right now and joining Matrix rooms through xmpp is not the best experience either (but there is a fork of the official xmpp<->matrix bridge that is improving a lot lately).

    • Helix 🧬
      32 years ago

      It has certainly gotten better, but I still wonder if it is worth it in the end. A XMPP server with similar functionality takes 10-100 times less resources

      Yep, that’s why I suggested Dendrite. It’s in beta, so not 100% functional yet, but way lighter on resources.

      • ptman
        12 years ago

        Synapse has been very much optimized lately. Dendrite won’t save space on media. Probably not on database, and it hasn’t been optimized for small memory use yet.

        “for instance Synapse uses 5-10x less RAM than it used to (my personal federated server is only using 145MB of RAM atm!” - https://matrix.org/blog/2022/08/15/the-matrix-summer-special

        • Helix 🧬
          1 year ago

          How does that compare to Dendrite?

          Synapse uses 5-10x less RAM than it used to

          That’s impossible. Maybe it uses 1/5th or 1/10th of the RAM. But if you use 5 times less, that is 500% less, which would amount to Synapse downloading the system 4 times more RAM than it used to use.

          • ptman
            21 year ago

            Yeah, it’s an unfortunate expression, but not mine, so I didn’t edit when quoting.

            Dendrite is still trying to reach spec compliance. IIUC they haven’t spent much effort on optimizing resource use.