I don’t have anything against but I didn’t subscribe to those communities, still, this is the majority of the posts I see when I come on Lemmy.ml.

Is there something wrong my settings ? I am more interested by FOSS and science stuff.

  • @stopit@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    I can’t speak for the Science stuff…but there is plenty FOSS communities that I enjoy. What are you subscribed too? When I scroll, i see plenty of FOSS posts…right now, it’s not as active as I would like, but I’ve been here less then a year and it is noticably better as time passes…just stick with it, spread the word and it can only get better. I do have to say though…when i found Lemmy, it was clearly advertised as a place for leftist, FOSS enthusiasts…so I don’t think (and hope) the leftist part will go away.

    • @charlie_root@lemmy.mlOP
      32 years ago

      i was not really bothered to subs to communities. but really, lemmy is not that intuitive, but to be honest, i don’t remember the first time I logged in, maybe it proposed me to subs/search for communities and I just zapped this.

      now it’s fine, i blocked the spams, subs to few comm. it’s just a matter to make those live now and not just be a leecher.