I don’t have anything against but I didn’t subscribe to those communities, still, this is the majority of the posts I see when I come on Lemmy.ml.

Is there something wrong my settings ? I am more interested by FOSS and science stuff.

  • krolden
    52 years ago

    Agreed. Tankies can have good takes but the endless glorification of dead emperors is not the right way to bring people together. Yeah yeah yeah the USSR was better than the tsars and the USA is evil we all can agree on that but come on stop drooling over the nostalgia of the past and look to the future for once.

    We could do a lot better.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      2 years ago

      I’ve never seen any communists advocate for simply recreating USSR, or claim that it was some sort of an utopia. What people say is that it was clearly better than the real world alternatives currently available to us. Of course, we should be learning from the past and improving.

      Any meaningful plans for the future can only be devised by understanding past and current conditions. Dialectical materialism is fundamentally based on the scientific approach of creating theories based on the observed evidence, testing these theories, and revising them. It’s fundamentally opposed to dogmatism. Doing better requires this mindset.

    • @charlie_root@lemmy.mlOP
      32 years ago

      The irony is that these groups are probably false-flagging each others and as it’s so easy with such platforms, the effect is that it discredits both groups.

      I don’t consider member eg: @yogthos@lemmy.ml as a tankie or extermist at all, his comments/shares are relatively well balanced, argued and sourced.

      Honestly, it’s easy to spot the “saboteurs”, sure there’s also some fuck-up first degree douche around but they are also easily spotted on.

      So, don’t be over-sensitive and simplistic.