I don’t have anything against but I didn’t subscribe to those communities, still, this is the majority of the posts I see when I come on Lemmy.ml.

Is there something wrong my settings ? I am more interested by FOSS and science stuff.

  • Adda
    2 years ago

    Same for me. What I do is subscribe to communities I am interested in and show only subscribed feed. Then federation came and I wanted to be able to see other posts too, so I just abuse the communities blocking feature to block everything I am not interested in while having all as my default main page filter. After a while, I was able to block most of the unwanted communities and now I have mostly interesting posts in my all feed.

    What really helped me is to use Jerboa on Android to quickly block communities straight from the posts (that is something I would probably welcome in web app, too). It is much quicker than having to go to the profile settings.

    • 10_0
      22 years ago

      This is so relatable and are my feelings and actions as well.