To save money and flavour, I got myself a grain mill. I thought this would be simple, but setting the grind/crush size seems to be even more difficult than in the world of coffee 🙈

So far I’ve learned that AIOs like my Brewzilla (Gen 4) like the crush a little coarser because the grain basket and overall construction restrict the flow of the wort already. Can anyone here confirm or refute that? Does anybody have that exact same system and care to share their preferred setting (or settings/tendencies, as different malts can be milled to different sizes)?

  • plactagonicM
    11 months ago

    I had to deal with AIO once and didn’t like it, but yes you are right coarse malt don’t restrict the flow and stays in the basket.

    Also look at the grain size, we got some smaller sized grains and when you set it too coarse they may don’t get crushed.