Corporations now buy the carpet bomb factory to expand their bomb product line and then carpet bomb their own factory after the war is over.

  • @deegeese
    482 months ago

    If you’re relying on Google for anything you’re a fool.

    I’m still a little foolish but trying to wise up.

      102 months ago

      I’ve ordered gizmos that will work with Home Assistant to replace my minis. I’m working my way off Gmail…

      I’m seriously de-googling. Apartment uses a nest thermostat, but… I may be able to get that far.

      Matter devices help in many ways. De-clouding is one.

            12 months ago

            Ok, ya I’ve seen those… I love the idea and am excited to see them become mature.

            I am, unfortunately tied to Google right now with our “whole house audio”. Using old Chromecast audios. When those are EOL it is going to create a real headache here.

            We use minis to initiate the CCAs by making their (minis) default speaker the CCA running through a centralized amp for that room (to ceiling speakers)

            It works quite well