Israeli and foreign human rights groups have documented a long history of snipers firing on unarmed Palestinians, including children, in Gaza and the West Bank.

Palestinians in Gaza also report a terrifying new development in the latest Gaza war – armed drones able to hover over streets and pick off individuals. Called quadcopters, some of these drones are used as remote-control snipers that Palestinians say have been used to shoot civilians.

  • MentalEdge
    3 months ago

    And I’m sorry that you feel the need to police others on how they talk about it, for fear it not be effective enough as propaganda.

    And I’m not using that word in a negative sense. The truth should already make it clear to anyone, what needs to happen.

    Your need to be choosy about which parts we mention is just sad, IMO.

      • MentalEdge
        3 months ago

        And again, you could have just added to what I said, instead berating me for bringing it up in the first place. Trying to shut someone up isn’t how you convince anyone. That specific person, or anyone else reading the discussion.