Is this topic over-debated? Sure. Does that mean we shouldn’t give it a try?

Should all recreational drugs be legal for an adult to buy and take?

Some starter arguments for:

  • Removing criminal market, which is notoriously violent and resilliant
  • Prohibition is futile
  • Allows regulation, improving safety
  • Encourages rehabilitaiton
  • Encourages scientific study on substances of beneficial interest (e.g. cannabis, ketamine)

Some starter arguments against:

  • Vulnerable people need to be protected against potentially harmful/addictive substances
  • The current economic system encourages sellers to foster addiction (e.g. tobacco, alcohol)
  • People affected by ‘harder’ drugs are inevitably antisocial and dangerous
  • Illegality is an effective deterrent
  • Legality normalizes drug use, which should be discouraged outside of medical purposes

My intuition is that Lemmy attracts a lot of both USA-libertarian and progressive socialist demographics which both tend to have more permissive views on this topic. Because of this, I chose a more extreme topic than merely ‘safer’ drugs.

  • kepic
    22 years ago

    Legalizing inevitably requires increase in rehabilitation and intervention, meaning increased short-term public spending. Long term this tends to even out, or even save money, as income from legal and taxed drugs kicks in and improved preventative and early intervention care means less serious outcomes.

    As with alcohol, the dangers are known and can be prepared for.

    The “war on drugs” doesn’t work and has never worked. Decriminalization and legalization in Europe seems to work.

    As for alcohol; it’s an increasing trend in Finland (and probably other places) that young people drink less and are less prone to alcoholism. I’d think the same would happen with other recreational drugs.