Mine is Devil House by John Darnielle. Wowwww.

  • Wren
    13 months ago

    Am I allowed to have a few? Because I can’t pick just one haha: Priory of the Orange Tree, Jane Eyre, Lord of the Rings series, A Song of Ice and Fire series (yes, even after the season that will not be named), Fingersmith, Rebecca, Redwall series. There’s more, but I feel like this is too many already 😅

    I have Devil House in my to read pile! I’m going to put it at the top of the stack now

    • VaultBoyNewVegas
      23 months ago

      I had the priory of the orange tree for years but never read it as I wasn’t sure if it’d be my thing as I bought it on a whim. When I did eventually read it last year, it turned out to have everything I like in a book. Different mythology influences, lgbtq characters written well and characters I gave a shit about.