• MentalEdge
    143 months ago

    Your comment next to the other one is kinda funny… They’re lamenting that the series stops doing fan-service, and you’re one of the people who got turned off on the series before it wised up to not doing it.

    Not sure what you mean by the story being typical, tho.

    • velox_vulnus
      3 months ago
      Spoiler below, warning!

      The part where the twin guardian spirits are introduced. The genre just flipped from slice of life to action. That particular part was where I stopped reading the manga further.

      • MentalEdge
        3 months ago

        Don’t they stick around for like three chapters, and end up being a twist?

        • velox_vulnus
          3 months ago
          Further spoilers

          Yes, I do remember that those spirits can be used only thrice, and then there’s also a shrine deity waiting for the payments. By the time, I had lost my interest, and I did not pursue any of the newer chapters.

          • MentalEdge
            3 months ago

            I’m not sure I can agree with the idea that the point of that was the action… But rather the mystery of what those spirits were. Same as any horror Miko encounters in the series.

            You’re attributing your loss of interest to a genre shift I don’t think was there. The hooks of intrigue simply didn’t interest you, which is absolutely fair. But they are definitely the reason the rest of us are still reading, rather than the “action”.

            Although, it does help that the art has been consistently amazing.

            IMO the series has maintained its quality, and even improved over time, such as by dropping the fanservice.

            I suspect it might not’ve been your type of thing to begin with, and the main reason you enjoyed it at first was the novelty.

            The series has done pretty much everything it could have done to stay interesting within the premise, I think.

            • velox_vulnus
              13 months ago

              Maybe I don’t like reading manga anymore, I guess. What I’m probably looking for is a full-sized novel in the form of graphic novel. The last thing I’ve read was HakoMari, and I quite enjoyed it, despite some of it’s flaws.