• @someone@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Do you remember that one time when they layed of hundreds of employees and increased ceo pay by 400%? And baked ads into the Firefox? Supported Google on anti trust? You use dedicated clients for everything today anyway, you can use something like Netsurf to browse websites that don’t need Javascript.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
      3 years ago

      Do you remember the time when Yemeni families were bombed and experienced genocide at the hands of Google AI couple years ago? Yea no a corrupted hijacked Mozilla is not a bigger issue than that.

      Also what ads? Are you telling me Booking.com text snippet on new tab page, that went away later, is an actual ad compared to Google crippling ad blocker APIs?

      • @someone@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        Only reason Mozilla aren’t doing these things because they don’t have the market share and the money. Privacy protecting and freedom respecting stuff is all marketing. Firefox is basically Chromium without things that make Chromium good. The true alternative is WebKit, it has Apple behind it for crying out loud, it can fight Google way harder than Mozilla ever could. If you are a maniac like me you can also use Netsurf, gemini and gopher. Maybe even Dillo… ok maybe not Dillo (I hope that project gets somewhere someday).

          • @someone@lemmy.ml
            13 years ago

            I’m sure all Google did was handing over data to state in exchange of some money. Mozilla would totally do the same if it means profit.

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
              -13 years ago

              The reality is much more nuanced, and no, Google is not just merely a state puppet. It acts like a corporation government with its own GDP and budget.