• IngrownMink4
    93 years ago

    Luckily there are projects like Ungoogled Chromium to avoid this kind of thing :persevering face:

      • @someone@lemmy.ml
        -73 years ago

        Firefox in general is not the solution in my opinion, Mozilla doesn’t do much for the open web.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
          3 years ago

          Does a lot more than Chrome and its forks will ever do. The concept of opposition is clearly not understood here.

          And do not even try to suggest webbrowser or NetSurf is superior to Firefox, because that is objectively false.

              • @someone@lemmy.ml
                3 years ago

                Do you remember that one time when they layed of hundreds of employees and increased ceo pay by 400%? And baked ads into the Firefox? Supported Google on anti trust? You use dedicated clients for everything today anyway, you can use something like Netsurf to browse websites that don’t need Javascript.

                • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
                  3 years ago

                  Do you remember the time when Yemeni families were bombed and experienced genocide at the hands of Google AI couple years ago? Yea no a corrupted hijacked Mozilla is not a bigger issue than that.

                  Also what ads? Are you telling me Booking.com text snippet on new tab page, that went away later, is an actual ad compared to Google crippling ad blocker APIs?

  • @marcosg@lemmy.ml
    83 years ago

    They avoided updating their apps on Apple devices for months to avoid revealing how much data they get from people.

    They care about security, but as long as it’s not in contrast with their business model.

  • Geotechland
    33 years ago

    i gotta give apple credit. their software may be closed source but their privacy policy seems to be decent and is exposing all these data mining companies.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      53 years ago

      It’s an artifact of them retaining a traditional business model where they sell you a product and you pay them money for it. Since they’re selling you a product they want you to have confidence that the product works in your interest. On the other hand, companies like Google is that they give stuff like Chrome to you for free and then make money mining your usage data. So the actual product ends up being your data and Chrome is just a tool for getting it out of you.

    • Gwynne
      3 years ago

      though would it still be some nefarious marketing stunt? or is it just the same old apple that comes out with fake innovation for just the sake of gaining more hype? let’s see what comes up next from apple, who has their OSes track literally everything.

      personally, I think that they’re just trying to ditch their competitions so people would get more tied to the apple ecosystem. their privacy policy means nothing as you’ll realize the only purpose from the first thing you’re told to do when you use an iphone is to track you around, the perfect monster of privacy. closed source, centralized, and many apps preinstalled belonging to them. by piecing it together you’ll find that they could just print out your whole life in detail for you to read, and for anyone else too!

  • samuraikid
    23 years ago

    For Apple lovers don’t yet say thanks on apple, Steve Jobs used to use Android instead of iphone just saying

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      43 years ago

      My view is that only open tech is worth getting invested in. It’s important to recognize that no matter how good a company might be sooner or later their business incentives will no longer be aligned with your interests.

      • samuraikid
        13 years ago

        I agree with you, and thus a rooted Android doesn’t put limits on something that is yours (I mean bought with your own money)

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          23 years ago

          There’s still a problem with you having to root it though. I’m really hoping Linux phones like PinePhone get to the point where you can run most popular apps on them.

          • samuraikid
            13 years ago

            It’s all misinformation about root being dangerous etc etc don’t you have root acess on your linux machine ?

            On your Android phone without it you simply can’t remove the bloatware, crappware manufactors use to track you with apps that you’ll never use and can’t open but still they are installed on your phone

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              23 years ago

              Yeah the problem is that phones are being treated as appliances and they’re locked away from the user. So you’re really hacking around that when you root it. I imagine eventually it’s not even going to be possible to root phones since most people don’t really care if the option disappears.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  63 years ago

                  My point is that people are actively working around the fact that the device is locked from the user by default. For now you can still root them easily enough, but that can change in the future. It’s also a fundamentally shitty situation to be in. Even after you root, getting OS updates becomes problematic as they can revert your phone back to being locked. You’re not really meant to be in control of the phone.

                  I want a phone that’s open by design and I don’t want to jump through hoops to use it the way that suits me.

                • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
                  -23 years ago

                  Unfortunately there is plenty of non shit that can also be a problem. That non shit is called closed source software, and most people happen to need it to live and earn.

  • @Niquarl@lemmy.ml
    13 years ago

    Where do people get this information? In the Appstore? How does one see it. I can’t find it anywhere