Its not a secret that no ads on lemmy, which makes the process more difficult paying for hosting to keep your instance only, so tell me!

How do you fund your lemmy instance? do you sell products through lemmy? Donations? how you convince people to donate to your instance? Do you sell subscriptions? how?

  • @jay91@lemmy.mlOP
    42 years ago

    Its a good oppurtuntity to ask, what do you recommend for pictures storage? and what is the most compatible solution?

    • Dessalines
      22 years ago

      This is kinda a broad question, but If you need to store a ton of pictures, I’d recommend buying a large hard drive, and setting up sshfs between whatever server you are running, and the folder on your local computer with the hard drive setup.

      The real solution for picture storage hasn’t been created yet unfortunately. You can see how asinine it is, when you have pictures cross-posted to 7 different websites, while none of them are sharing the hosting costs by using something like torrents.

      The problem with pictures is that their size is in-between small things like text, which is fine to replicate, and large things like audio / videos / movies, which absolutely require torrents to share the hosting costs.

      • @jay91@lemmy.mlOP
        12 years ago

        So, here is the thing as i understand. for now we only can store the pictures on the same storage of the server correct me if i’m wrong! buckets cannot be used at this moment? like DigitalOcean spaces or Wasabi?

        • Dessalines
          12 years ago

          You can use sshfs to store pictures on any machine you want. The volumes/pictrs folder is where they’re stored.