• @misk
    05 months ago

    Placing blame for housing crisis is irrelevant, it’s here and needs addressing. Adding more people to the formula without major changes to how we deal with housing is just naive.

    You say that massive migration waves ended. Just 2 years ago we took in 6 million refugees from Ukraine. This was mostly women and children who integrate easier and Ukrainians have stellar labour market participation. There’s no denying this had significant impact on rent prices though. But way more will be coming due to climate crisis and we don’t seem to be doing much to prepare.

    I’m not sure why you say I propose we do nothing. I’m saying we should stop going all in on solutions that alienate lower classes and left, right and liberals seem to try to fuck them over in their own unique ways.

    • Devi
      15 months ago

      They’re being pretty clear (and not wrong) that immigration isn’t adding more people. It’s keeping the same amount of people.

      • @misk
        5 months ago

        If it was up to us that would be the idea but we have to take in people that are fleeing war torn areas. Population of Poland grew from 38 to 41M at one point due to second invasion of Ukraine. Thankfully there’s solid amount of a solidarity due to cultural proximity but even this is slowly fizzling out because of pressure this puts on low income class.

        Sweden and Germany took similar amounts of people ~2015. Did they build adequate amount of housing?