i’d probably pick

  • cartoon tv series can’t have more than 3 seasons
  • avocados should have most subsidies of any food
  • electron apps are now illegal
  • normal tv series can’t have more than 5 seasons
  • protruding doorsteps are now illegal
    • poVoq
      2 years ago

      We had a video a while ago on /c/solarpunk of someone growing citrus fruits in the middle of winter in the northern US in such an greenhouse heated with low-grade ground heat.

      So it is definitly possible, but probably doesn’t scale very well.

      The real issue is that you can’t expect to eat fresh produce in the middle of winter if you live in Canada. Food preservation for consumption in Winter is a well developed and scaleable technology.

      Edit: https://lemmy.ml/post/56369 and specifically this video.