Those of you who use Linux on a laptop, which laptop do you use? I’ve been thinking of buying a new laptop to replace my current ageing macbook and would love to run Linux on it.

    3 years ago

    I think that Lenovo ThinkPad generally work well with Linux. You can get refurbed ones quiet cheaply on eBay.

    There is also system76 which come with Linux pre installed and have (I think mostly) open source hardware.

    You can also get a framework laptop (you might have to wait until October/November). This is a fully repairable laptop that aims to also be easily upgradable (10/10 from ifixit). Linux support is generally pretty good and will get better over time (currently very new hardware).

    You could also consider upgrading the ram or hardrive of your current laptop if possible. This will cut down on e wate although you might not be able to run Linux.

    • Bilb!
      33 years ago

      I got the cheapest possible configuration of the framework and it’s pretty great so far. I’m running Pop!OS on it right now, but I think I’m going to switch to OpenSUSE.