• @corm
    58 months ago

    The point of the right to bear arms is to have some defense against an oppressive government if needed.

      • @ours@lemmy.world
        228 months ago

        Want to get Republicans to jump on gun control? Just have minorities show up exercising their right to bear arms.

        Ask Reagan.

            • @SupraMario@lemmy.world
              18 months ago

              Police kill on average 1k civilians a year…aka 1/40 of all gun deaths, including the 66% of the 40k~ a year that are suicides… the majority of which are minorities…so no it’s not working.

                • @SupraMario@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  Republicans aren’t gun owners, they just use it as a wedge issue to get votes. They, just like the NRA, would love to make only rich people be able to afford defensive tools. Thinking that all gun owners are Republicans is hilarious.

        • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
          68 months ago

          No, not really, even in the wild West towns would force you to surrender your firearms to the sheriff before you could go anywhere else in town.

          Just because Reagan was a racist about it doesn’t mean the very concept itself is racist.

        • @Nurse_Robot@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          What mental gymnastics did you perform to come to the conclusion that gun control is rooted in racism

          Edit: history

          • @PersnickityPenguin@lemm.ee
            188 months ago

            It’s pretty well known that the Black Panthers movement back in the 1960s and '70s that promoted black people to open carry weapons was a huge motivation for Republicans, the NRA and Ronald Reagan to pass gun control legislation.

            Yes that’s right, I said the NRA supported gun control regulation:

            “Many of these gun laws specifically and explicitly restricted Black persons’ ability to possess and carry firearms. A more recent and salient historical example is the Mulford Act of 1967, which outlawed the open carrying of loaded firearms. The Mulford Act was signed into law by California’s Republican governor Ronald Reagan with the support of the National Rifle Association. Although it is not explicitly stated in the act, the passage of this particular gun control law was motivated by the open carrying of loaded firearms by members of the Black Panther Party who were conducting patrols in Oakland neighborhoods to protect Black residents from police brutality (Anderson, 2021; Cottrol & Diamond, 1991; Winkler, 2011).”



            “The law, AB 1591—better known as the Mulford Act and named for its author, Alameda County Republican Assemblymember Don Mulford—banned the carrying of firearms in public, making it a felony to do so without a government-issued license.”


            I think there’s some documentaries about it as well.

          • Captain Howdy
            168 months ago

            It’s literally the reason behind much of the first gun control laws. Things were fine until whites got scared when they realized African Americans have the same access to guns and they might start defending themselves against the oppression they continued to face in America. Similar to drug law, gun control is very much rooted in racism and NIMBY mentality.

          • nik0
            118 months ago

            The only time the NRA actually agreed with Gun Control was literally as soon as the black panthers became a thing

              • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                28 months ago

                it’s so beautifully constructed. from the “worked hand in hand with the nra” bit, to the fucking QUOTE FROM MARX . i’ve considered recreating it from time to time but this version is just chefs kiss.

      • @kleenbhole@lemy.lol
        8 months ago

        Yes it is.

        Historians could only “uncover” this reason because it’s buried under the actual reasons. All the rationale behind the constitutional amendments was highly documented at the time, public, and easily accessed and referenced.

        • Flying SquidOP
          58 months ago

          You mean including the highly documented rationale that historian uncovered?

          By the way, do you really think you could defeat the U.S. military with your gun collection? Even if you and a bunch of buddies got together?

          • Captain Howdy
            17 months ago

            First of all, fuck this racist guy commenting to this thread. I hate that his kind are so often associated with people like myself who believe our population should remain armed.

            Second of all, the military cannot be called into domestic affairs, so your “question” is irrelevant. Maybe read more about history and the constitution before spurging your nonsense all over the place.

            But mostly… fuck racists, especially kleenbhole.

            • Flying SquidOP
              17 months ago

              Where does the Constitution say the military cannot be involved in domestic affairs? You are probably thinking of the Posse Comitatus Act, which does limit the use of the U.S. military in domestic affairs, but wasn’t passed until 1878 and could be repealed.

          • @kleenbhole@lemy.lol
            -28 months ago

            As to your second paragraph, yep, yes, sure. We got beat by a bunch of illiterate desert goat rapists and jungle Asians. Just need to outlast the political will of the oligopoly

                  • @kleenbhole@lemy.lol
                    08 months ago

                    No, I’m saying what I said was mild, and you should get out more to see what real racism looks like. I’m just talking some mild shit about some crappy broke ass cultures that resisted the full might of America. If you clutch pearls that I called the Taliban a bunch of goat rapists, you should see how they describe YOU.

        • @PeepinGoodArgs@reddthat.com
          18 months ago

          Historians could only “uncover” this reason because it’s buried under the actual reasons.

          Buried under the actual reasons? That somehow contradict the uncovered reason? Sounds like bullshit to me.

          All the rationale behind the constitutional amendments was highly documented at the time, public, and easily accessed and referenced.

          Then how did bullshit theory that guns were to overthrow the government get buried for so long?