This is not an ad BTW, I literally stumbled upon it a few minutes ago. From what I can gather, however, this is a [DIY-ish] search engine that solely searches on text (no other forms of media, such as, … idk hypertext maybe), which allows users to have more control over queries (like including and excluding terms). I suppose this would prune out most of the modern websites, but I guess some of y’all would prefer that option anyway. Has anyone else tried it out? I’m genuinely curious about more opinions on this

  • Ryan
    27 months ago

    It’s nice to see new takes on search. I like their UI decisions, too, and rendering the results as a multi-column table is refreshing to me. I can see where it would be off-putting for many people, though. Will definitely be using this to some degree.

    • Goddard GuryonOP
      17 months ago

      Yeah it’s in no way a replacement to more conventional search engines, but it’s a nice thing in itself