I have been using Skiff for about a year or so and was only satisfied with their email which can forward your Gmail emails and have aliases for free, the calendar app didn’t notify me so it was useless but now it does and it works very well, I could also import my Tutanota calendar very easily. The drive has 10gb for free and can now download all your Google drive in one click and you can use IPFS as storage, this company is really making it easy to get out of Google with a smile.

What do you all think about it ?

    • @cheese_greater@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      People need to stop trying to make email as a medium private outside of choosing providers that don’t scan or snoop or offer unauthorized (by which I mean YOU do not consent to them sharing with ANYBODY or ORGANIZATION) externalized access or monetize on that which you send/receive/retain.

      Don’t send an email unless you are aware and consent to it being preserved and shared endlessly with zero input or consideration for your view of that.

      • @miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        Mails being encrypted end-to-end would obviously be ideal, but yeah. How many people outside of our privacy bubble use a private service, and/or have PGP set up? How many even know what PGP is?

        The messages that sit in my inbox being encrypted and not being accessed by the provider I’m using is realistically the best I can hope for.

        • @cheese_greater@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          PGP to me is literally only of any interest as a quick way to encrypt anything/files/documents (in a preferable format to zip or archives etc) in a keyfile type fashion where you need the credential and password for any given decryption and it can be done so quickly if you have a good app.

          I would never use it for like email stuff, if we’re talking about messaging its gotta be Signal or Threema or Matrix(Element, Session) etc. Maybe Olvid or SimpleX is interesting too but I’m open to a larger discussion of messaging and the available platforms and discussion of the nitpickier deets.

        • @SpeakinTelnet@programming.dev
          47 months ago

          I’ve been told multiple times that having a @protonmail email makes me look like a conspiracy theorist, once in an interview. Privacy is way more niche than I’d hope for.

          • @BearOfaTime@lemm.ee
            27 months ago

            In an interview?

            Glad they let you know their ignorance on security up front.

            Seriously, do they leave their doors open for anyone to walk in, or do they use badge readers like everyone else?

            • @SpeakinTelnet@programming.dev
              17 months ago

              Some companies don’t see privacy as security. They want to know your background, when you punch in/ punch out, if you’re the type of person to leak secrets over the “dark web”.

              Some also don’t believe in privacy at all, they believe in contract. When choosing a platform they want to know if they can sue them for breaching an NDA.

              I did not receive an offer from that specific interview but yeah, I admit it was odd and didn’t inspire trust so I wouldn’t have accepted anyway.

    • visnudevaOP
      27 months ago

      You can choose between Skiff storage or IPFS, IPFS is a decentralized file storage system, which means that there is no central authority controlling the system, making it more secure than traditional centralized file storage systems. IPFS uses a number of security features, such as encryption and hashing, to protect files, making it a secure way to store sensitive information.

      I don’t know about email encryption except for what they say.

      They call copy and paste are called move and duplicate.

      As I said their app are not perfect yet but they are improving very fast, what is missing is being fixed as we speak.

      • @taladar@sh.itjust.works
        37 months ago

        there is no central authority controlling the system, making it more secure than traditional centralized file storage systems.

        Not really. Maybe more available but almost certainly less secure compared to files just sitting on a single server somewhere in terms of data being accessible to attackers.

    • qaz
      7 months ago

      What is the advantage of IPFS over other storage types?

      I think it allows syncing without requiring a central node, that’s how AnyType seems to use it.

      What I don’t understand is how can anyone claim that their mail is encrypted, if Skiff does that for them (as in, non-Skiff to Skiff mail conversation)? There’s still a third party involved, right?

      I think it’s mostly about the fact that the mail is encrypted after being received by the Skiff mail server.