• Epicurus0319
    11 months ago

    “Polite russians and cheap wheat” Amen to that, I’m incredibly sick of those ruzzian nationalists on social media going on and on about how their country owns everything and everyone and about how my country America is the most depraved and evil place there is because 2 of our men who love each other can officially marry, live normal lives, and be themselves with a far lower risk of alienation from family and community here, and I’ve even had one so obsessed with me he subscribed to me on YouTube just so he can throw the usual predictable, childish tantrums over 2 colors in my profile picture there and spam the emoji “🇷🇺” and/or “something something ukronazisTM”, “Alaska was supposed to be a temporary lease!!” or “something something US imperialism something something DA GEYYYYYYYZ” in response to unrelated comments of mine that don’t even mention his precious war.

    There are even some who celebrated the war crimes their regime’s fellow terrorists (tbc I mean Hamas, not the Palestinian people and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise) recently committed against civilians in Israel in the hopes that it killed those Russian Jews who “betrayed ze mazarland” by bolting for the country last year, knowing more than any other group that nothing good will or historically has come to their kind from life under another racist, expansionistic and extremely far-right dictator who outlaws pretty much everything.