If you are not familiar with the concept of this community please read this post.

If you have some ideas for rule templates this community could use, please leave them below.

As much as possible, I want rules to be able to be enforced by a moderation bot, so please only suggest rules that could be enforced in a programmatic way.

These templates will be used to create random rules, by choosing a random character, length etc.

Field Rules (Title or Body)

  • Field must start with character
  • Field must not start with character
  • Field must end with character
  • Field must not end with character
  • Field must contain character
  • Field must not contain character
  • Field must contain phrase
  • Field must exceed length
  • Field must not exceed length
  • Field must be lowercase
  • Field may not use grammar
  • Field must be capitalized
  • Field must contain a link
  • Field must be bold
  • Field must be italic
  • Field must contain a code block

Post Rules (Metadata about the Post)

  • Post must have image
  • Post must not have image
  • Post must have URL
  • Post must not have URL
  • Post must stay under X amount of upvotes
  • Post must stay under X amount comments

If you don’t like any of these rule templates as well, make sure to let me know as well in the comments.

  • HotChickenFeet
    1 year ago

    It’s a good idea. I think anything that will add a bit of variety to it, will help to keep folks engaged.

    Your bot could probably be pretty generic to consume rules, and then the base modifiers and your your daily modifiers, etc are just tacked on/consumed the same as any others.

    I think the days of the week would be good for offering easy days & more advanced days too. Easy days are friendly towards beginners by having fewer/easier modifiers so people starting can get their feet wet, and harder days are the true achievement

    • MoxvallixOPMA
      1 year ago

      Yeah, that sounds pretty good. Difficulty scales through out the week.

      I have written an initial version of the bot. Doesn’t have anything but some very basic rules. I think I will be putting this community open for a bit as a test run.

      Rules basically just check the post against it’s given function, which returns true or false, should make the modifiers fairly easy to add in the future, hopefully.

        • MoxvallixOPMA
          1 year ago

          I will. Thought I could have it running today, but it seems the bot library I’m using has a rather frustrating bug right now, which isn’t allowing me to whitelist it only to one community.

          It might unfortunately be delayed a little longer.