youtube getting more aggressive… i’ve got firefox and ublock but this shit is still coming up

  • @sin_free_for_00_days
    298 months ago

    I think these companies are starting to run into the brick wall caused by disgusting wealth inequality and the subsequent inability to spend as frivolously as needed for a healthy economy.

      118 months ago

      Also just coming to the realization that advertising on the internet has always been done atrociously (not that RL advertising is any better but at least follows some kind of structure and isn’t thrown in your face repeatedly) and that a large swath of people do not want to deal with it or interact with it.

      Rather than fix something that is clearly broken, they’d rather double down, throw money at it and make it more of a problem than admit they need to reign it in and put some common sense and sanity checks on how advertising should take place online.

      • GreenM
        38 months ago

        Its product life cycle in their eyes came to the phase of “cash cow” . They are milking what was built in past untill there’s anything left. It was same with gaming industry. It seems inevitable once company reaches certain size (not in people count sense). That’s why we need alternative to keep things good for users.

      • JackbyDev
        17 months ago

        The majority of Internet ads are ableist. I have ADHD and they’re too distracting.