• Nice! It sounds like a think layer on top of standard Arch, which is great! I use EndeavourOS myself, but I’ll check this one out when I get a chance. I love how these Arch installers just give you a well configured system upon install, then just let you use Arch as normal. When I tried Manjaro a few years ago, I found it’s integration a bit too deep. Eventually I ran into a bunch of package conflicts between the standard Arch repo and the Manjaro repo. Ever since I switched to Antergos (now Endeavour) I haven’t had any issues. ArcoLinux sounds similar!

    • Adda
      53 years ago

      I understand what you mean. I have never experienced any of these issues with ArcoLinux, though. ArcoLinux has a few packages in its own repositories, but AFAIK, it is mostly the bare system and custom configuration packages, which various ArcoLinux editions use. From my experience, it is also reasonably easy to switch from ArcoLinux repositories, if need be (never had a reason to do so personally, so not really that sure about it). ArcoLinux team wants to grant a user with an absolute freedom to customize their system just the way they want and enjoy, not restrictioning the user to their preferred and promoted defaults. That is the reason they offer so much customization options in the installation process (unless the user wants just something working out of the box — in this case, ArxoLinuxL edition would be in order, I suppose) — all the system components to hand-pick, if desired, DE and WM, file systems, themes, etc. — afterwards, pursuing this goal, they let the user customize any part of the OS again, with all the power Arch-based distribution has to offer. But, helping with the customization a bit with their handy applications and scripts to make it even easier for the user, if handling and configuring it manually is not preferable. Now, I realize I sound a lot like an ArcoLinux fanboy (Is it the correct term one would use for praising my favourite distribution to the skies? Maybe. I do not know.), but that is probably, come to realize it now, because I really sort of am. ArcoLinux has proved to be everything I have hoped for while I was distro-hopping a while ago. I am just extremely comfortable here and do not see any reason to switch to anything else in a foreseeable future. I am having fun while getting the work done all at once. Definitely a win-win situation for me.