• MentalEdgeOPM
    9 months ago

    Both the OVA and movie do about as much as there was to do with the content that’s there in the beginning of the series.

    Her motorball career is a lot more in-depth in the manga, and has nothing to do with getting into Tiphares. But it’s mostly just a rivalry between her and the top motorballer. Action.

    Alita has several lovers throughout the series, some of whom she knows for longer periods of time. The series gets deeper into the universe the further you get along.

    The movie is a perfectly faithful equivalent to the beginning of the story, and actually does a lot to set up later events. The reveal of Nova at the end is big, for one.

    James Cameron has expressed interest in making it a series, but is currently busy with Avatar.

    • @DavidGarcia@feddit.nl
      39 months ago

      Yeah, more detailed arcs like this motorball rivalry would have been nice. Would have loved one or two “down to earth” seasons, similar to most of Gangsta or No Guns No Life, just expanding on the worldbuilding. I’m looking forward to the sequel, hope it lives up to the standard of the first one.