• Thorny_Thicket
    1 year ago

    Well I guess it’s time or my controversial comment of the day.

    If Elon Musk isn’t genious, then what does that word even mean? It’s not very untypical for people we considered to be genious on one sector, to be significantly lacking on some other. Steve Jobs is another great example. He was clearly a genious, but also widely known to be a huge asshole. Musk is clearly on the spectrum and really should know better, but he just can’t shut up and people hate him for it. However, there are countless of interviews from his current and ex-employees, for example, and despite them often having many unfavourable things to say about him, the lack of genious isn’t one.

    It’s quite naive to think that it’s all just because he inherited some money. The vast majority of people with that kind of money never really change the world with it. Elon on the other hand? He popularized electric vehicles, helped to fund and design re-usable space rockets and is in the process of surrounding the entire planet with satellite internet.

    There’s plenty to criticize him for, but if one sees him as just all bad, and is unable to give him any credit for when it’s due, then they frankly just are blinded by the hatred and can’t even think straight anymore.