When I lie, it’s most often a lie of omission. Are you more of a falsehood teller? Or do you lie out of ignorance? Or is there a particular subject you’re likely to lie about? Or a person who you tell most of your lies to?

Do you always tell the truth? If yes what type of lie was that?

  • Thorny_Thicket
    1 year ago

    I actually lied for the first time in about 3 years just few days ago.

    I had an appointment and at the front desk the clerk asked me wether I came there by car (do I need a parking permit) to which I said no even though I did but I left it further away so that I don’t need said permit. Funnily enough the person I came to meet then asked me the same thing to which I sad “Yeah, but I left it further away” and I’m quite sure the clerk heard me so… …yeah. That’s why I don’t lie.

    The previous lie before that when a beggar came asking wether I had any cash to which I said no even though I did. Again a completely pointless lie.