Every culture/region has stories and myths about the things existing there. What are the ones you find the most spooky and/or interesting?

  • Carlos Solís
    1010 months ago

    Here in Costa Rica we have plenty of those:

    • El Cadejos (the chain-hound): a black dog wrapped in chains, said to appear in the night to scare drunkards straight, and allegedly a former drunkard itself.
    • La Segua (or La Cegua): a woman that seduces men at night, then shows her true form as a human with the head of a horse, an event which is said to scare men to death.
    • La Llorona (the crying lady): a woman who lost her child, by drowning in a river in several sources, and cries loudly for that during the night.
    • @LogicalDrivel
      510 months ago

      So, is La Segua’s body normal? its just a Horse head from the neck up? Im sure there are a lot of people who could work with that.

      • Carlos Solís
        410 months ago

        It is, but the big reveal usually happens in the middle of a passionate kiss. Hence the deadly shock. Though I’d like to see the Cegua foiled by a dedicated furry