• @asyncrosaurus@programming.dev
    10110 months ago

    I continue to be baffled and amused by the complete meltdown of the typescript community over the actions of a single man on a single package. The only people who have legitimate gripes are those that had been actively contributing and whose work was erased. The rest of you are acting absurdly childish. The anger and vitriol being thrown at anyone who disagrees on how to write javascript would make me embarrassed if I was associated or involved in the ts community.

    • amzd
      11710 months ago

      They not only removed typescript without implementing an alternative breaking many projects depending on that library but they did it without informing the open source community which means many people who invested their time in making PRs (there was 60+ open PRs) have to basically completely redo their work.

      • @asyncrosaurus@programming.dev
        10 months ago

        Yes, and the people directly contributing to the project have legitimate gripes. Although, the parable of dhh is if you get on an asshole scorpions back, don’t be surprised if you get stung. Dudes been an unreasonable prick for nearly 20 years now.

        My comments directed at the manufactured outrage from the tooling zealots incapable of having a mature conversation. Or even accept a difference of opinion. The number of comments that start with, "never heard of Turbo, but let me weigh in on why you’re an idiot for not liking Typescript. " is very telling…

        • Riskable
          1310 months ago

          To be fair, how could you not believe that he was gonna go Turbo?

    • TheRadiatorIsWarm
      10 months ago

      Sorry, I’m out of the loop. Can you ELI5 what happened/what even is going on with TS?