Conservatives only trust things they can see. If it can’t be seen directly with the naked eye in real time it is a conspiracy or imaginary.
It’s why things like vaccines don’t seem real to them. They can see the needle and the injection but what happens afterwards is an unknowable, untrustworthy thing.
It’s also why MAGA had such a hard time processing Biden’s win. Saying things like, “he didn’t even hold that many rallies” or “attendance at his rallies were low!” Because to them, a physical presence is necessary to convince anyone that someone is serious about winning their votes (or even real).
Since anything unseen is scary to them it’s easy to point the finger at people they don’t see very often and say, “they’re the ones responsible for your troubles!”
Even removing the 14th amendment wouldn’t take away non-citizen rights. The Bill of Rights applies to all persons living or residing within the United States. Regardless of whether or not they’re citizens.
Team Trump doesn’t give a shit about the rule of law though 🤷