Just as the title asks I’ve noticed a very sharp increase in people just straight up not comprehending what they’re reading.

They’ll read it and despite all the information being there, if it’s even slightly out of line from the most straightforward sentence structure, they act like it’s complete gibberish or indecipherable.

Has anyone else noticed this? Because honestly it’s making me lose my fucking mind.

  • Malta Soron
    1 year ago

    Considering busywork, many online texts are unnecessarily long in order to fit as many ads in between as possible. I’ve encountered texts (even about academic subjects) that are practically unreadable if you don’t skim them, because they’re not meant to be read closely.

    Everyone knows what it’s like to look up information on the internet nowadays: most of your time is spent on scrolling or clicking past ads and scanning webpages until you’ve found a source that’s actually useful.

    I think a lot of people have been trained to skim online texts because they’re designed explicitly to waste your time.