In a country with some of the world’s most expensive real estate, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government wants housing to become more affordable.

  • MentalEdge
    1 year ago

    The fediverse isn’t a fucking frontend for chatbots. Even if it effectively were, that’s not what it’s for. Discussing it as if it is, is disingenuous at best, damaging to its potential, at worst.

    I care what you think. You should care what I think. You should care what all of humanity thinks, in aggregate. Current society is far too busy “respecting the beliefs of others” its failing to correct those who are delusional. When met with crazy, we ignore them and leave them to their delusions, instead of arguing their beliefs out, and snapping them back to sanity.

    These people vote, buy things, work jobs. They participate in the society we all live in, and that we allow them to go on believing bullshit, affects us all.

    In this sense, even the answer you get when asking what an LLM thinks about something matters. It matters a lot.

    I’m not “vetting” every engagement I have, I simply assume the majority are with people, until proven otherwise. That you don’t, and see the whole network as simply “software” for you to fuck with as you see fit, without regard for the meaning it can be used to convey, is disgusting.

    Treating a person as if they’re a machine, is rude as hell. Treating a machine, like they were a human, doesn’t matter. When unsure, your default behaviour should be the latter, not the former. What does one lose in assuming all users on Lemmy are real? Unnecessarily being cordial when its not needed? In assuming the fediverse is just a giant version of r/subbredditsimulator, you lose its very potential to connect our species. Even if only a tiny subset of it.

    If you’re not here for genuine engagement with others, you should leave. Switch to using some note taking app with AI tools, where you know you aren’t dealing with people. That you’d choose to take your bullshit here into public, with other real users, and then ignore that fact, is offensive.

    It’s like adopting a tiger cub because you want something cute and cuddly, while ignoring that it will grow into something very different. It’s even dumber, because domesticate cats exits.

    And semantics exist for a reason. Yes, they are fluid, but not in the way you are suggesting. Words do not mean “whatever you want them to”. When a mismatch in comprehension causes a failure of communication, that’s a bug, not a feature. Fuck off with your bullshit attempts at profound one-upping. It’s pretentious to a weapons grade level of cringe.

    As for why people would be on the fediverse? Because its by far the least corrupted communications system on the planet, right now. Especially intelligent individuals who can see that mainstream social media is dying, and toxic as hell.

    No, its not ready to be the one main social platform of humanity. But it is certainly the best candidate to become that. Anyone with half a finger on the pulse of the internet, has their eye on the fediverse.