Be me: Zoahar, Cathay Khajiit

Be not me: DM; Daro’Fayna, Suthay-Raht Khajiit; Shahree, Saxhleel; Dar-Jee, Saxhleel;

Opening the scene onto the Lake we’ve spent the last few days traveling to… finding an open Oblivion Gate next to it

We stand before an Oblivion Gate… little opposition until we were right at it.

Zoahar almost steps in before Shahree asks if we brought food.

“I haven’t, can’t you eat Daedra?” - Zoahar

We might be able to… they wouldn’t poof on their own plane.

However rather than try it we decide to have Shahree teleport back and buy provisions for us.

A large figure steps through the portal as our mage is away buying provisions…


Daedra, Dar, Zoahar, Feyna

The Daedra wiffs their attack and then Zoahar catches the blade at the last possible moment before it cut into him.

Dar bolts into combat at wrenches the Daedra’s blade from their hands.

Zoahar tries to followthrough with a claw swipe and it’s blocked.

Feyna steals the Daedra’s sword and takes aim with her new crossbow, nailing it in the helmet!

The Daedra is freshly without his sword… he turns to the gate and shouts in Daedric calling for reinforcements before disengaging from melee to try to recover his sword… failing miserably then on the second attempt yoinking it from her.

Caitiff burst from the portal into the melee!

Dar deftly dodges the first strike and the second.

Zoahar counter-strikes the first attack against him and dodging the second

Dar’s turn and he wiffs stealing their mace and similarly with a followup strike… burning stamina Dar succeeds in grabbing the mace and wrenches it from the Caitiff’s hands.

Zoahar steps back from the Caitiffs to protect his sister throwing a POWA-Attack at the big guy.

He throws stamina into the defense and just manages to protect himself.

Feyna fails to steal the sword then backs off to continue nailing the big guy with bolts

The big guy gets countered trying to strike Zoahar then manages to catch him with the blade as he flubs the dodge against the followup.

The Caits! One charges each of our big-guys.

The first one just barely fails to push Dar through the portal

The Cait charging Zoahar manages to hit their Unlucky Number! He catches a backhand across the face planting them on their ass with their mace laying beside them.

Dar’s turn and he leans into the grapple taking control and crushing his new victim’s throat.

Zoahar goes for another attack against the big guy… it’s blocked but it leaves him so open for the subsequent volley of bolts.

Feyna’s turn and it’s pincushion time for the big guy! First bolt lands and so does the second defeating the big guy.

Caitiffs flub their grapple v Dar and provoke AoO’s from Zoahar getting up. The Caitiff actually manages to get a good smack in against Zoahar.

Dar crushes the life out of the first Caitiff and then surges into melee with the second.

Held in place Zoahar takes the opportunity as a punching bag taking the last Daedra down.

The bodies are still here… the gate amalgamating the planes. In fact it looks like the big guy has stabilized!

Shahree pops back onto the field and asks what happened

“This one,” Zoahar grabs the big guy, “came through the portal and called for backup when he realized he was gonna get his ass handed to him.”

“Looks like they didn’t call for enough.” Shahree says.

“Yeah, what do you think Dar, need four more to make it fair?” - Zoahar

“Yeah.” - Dar agrees.

Shahree begins distributing the rations and healing the injuries.

Shahree identifies it as a Dremora Kynmarcher

Zoahar tries to stride through the portal again before being stopped by Shahree wanting to do an experiment…

She grabs a helmet from one of the Dremora and yeets it past the radius of the portal… it goes poof.

Experiment concluded and fresh with the knowledge that we can’t take looted armor far from the portal we stride through the portal…

A plane of flames and lava is revealed to us…

“Fairly typical landscape, hard to tell where exactly we are… one of the nastier domains.” Shahree comments.

Zoahar asks if one of those nasty ones is cold… thinking of Coldharbor.

Shahree explains it’s not necessarily cold, more just devoid of pleasantness.

We see a platform not too far from where we are with a floating cuboid artifact

Shahree comments that it’s a pity it’s not smaller, she’d love to bring it back.

Zoahar replies that dependent on what it’s made of we might be able to pull that off.

There’s a bridge leading to the platform… with two ogre-like daedra approaching us over.

Zoahar leans over to Dar “Didn’t your people kick theirs asses centuries ago? Try scaring them.”

Dar takes a few steps forward and announces that we’re the spearhead of an invasion.

These things are dumb… one of them is just looking at him like he’s a square circle and the other is muttering a word over and over in daedric.

Shahree steps forward to clarify in a language they might actually speak, Daedric.

They’re Ogrim, as she knows, and she’s aware of their lacking mental powers.

Shahree understands the brighter one is just saying ‘lizard, lizard, lizard’

Aww, they’re so dumb they don’t know this is Black Marsh Crisis 2: Electric Boogaloo


Shahree, Zoahar, Dar, Feyna, Ogrim

Shahree goes first warning us of how dangerous they can be in combat before casting a spell… Frenzy!

Checking what Frenzy does it’s a ‘WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!’ moment

Accidental buff cast, we’re in danger!

Zoahar fires his Arbalest and it hits… the Ogrim barely even flinches.

Zoahar pops one of his potions and steps next to Dar for their Teamwork feature.

Dar checks his pockets, yep, he’s got pocket sand!. Holding an action he readies to try to blind the great beast with it.

Feyna steps up and begins unloading with her repeating crossbow.

The Ogrim charge us! As they do we see the beasts healing expel one of the crossbow bolts.

Dar succeed in pocket-sanding the eyes of the first one as it approaches… but that doesn’t deter the all-out-attack from the beast.

Critical Hit against Dar. Doesn’t kill him outright but definitely hurt.

The second one tries to hit Zoahar… and it’s first attack is countered, nicking it for some HP. The second heavy blow comes down and Zoahar just barely dodges.

Shahree throws Horror at the non-Frenzied one and it goes through! It flops over losing a turn.

Zoahar seizes upon the opportunity and rips the downed Ogrim’s throat out before it can regain consciousness…

Dar’s turn! He rips into the angy one with his battleaxe.

Feyna’s turn! The bolt-rain continues as she’s emptying her special repeating crossbow into the beast.

Big Angy tries to hammer Dar… and manages an Unlucky Number! Burning Stamina he tries again… only to wiff again.

Shahree casts Paralyze at Big Angy… success!

This gives Zoahar his second Coup de Gras of the combat slaying the beast.

DM calls for Observe… Feyna passes.

“That one’s still breathing!” Feyna exclaims.

“How?! I ripped out it’s throat!” Zoahar replies.

Shahree climbs up onto it and begins cutting trying to remove it’s heart… success!

Now that it’s not breathing again Zoahar suggests we roll it off the bridge into the lava below.

We begin rolling but it’s slow going verses regenerating enemies to get them off the bridge…

Meanwhile Sharee carves the heart out of the second Ogrim.

We push the second one off then call the session.

Previous Session:

  • Bombastic
    2 years ago

    All i could hear was farm tools making a racket. Thats enough talking from you, slaves! Back to work in those egg mines, NOW!

    Yes, I’m house Dres, how’d you know?