Personally I think not having karma limits is nice currently! I understand why they were used but grinding karma as a lurker on reddit was frustrating.

  • CynAq
    261 year ago

    Good faith is the key here. I’m all for disagreements leading to lengthy discussions and even some controversy as long as everyone is arguing in good faith.

    I can’t stand trolling, outright bigotry, and the normalization of literal fascist opinions as a mere “disagreement”. If a “disagreement” (you know which ones I mean) will lead to people dying if enabled, I’m pretty happy keeping those ideas out.

    • lobemanet
      -121 year ago

      Gender critical ideas are based on truth and reality. If those ideas are censored here that would be terrible.

        221 year ago

        Hi! I’m trans. If you’re looking to change your mind about that I’m happy to chat! Otherwise I suggest you look to get out of here as soon as possible.

        • lobemanet
          -181 year ago

          Hi! I’m gender critical. If you’re looking to change your mind about that I’m happy to chat! Otherwise I suggest you look to get out of here as soon as possible.

        211 year ago

        That’s the beautiful thing about being a federated platform. You can create your own island and fill it with all the hatred and bad “science” you want. it’s worked for the British for centuries.

        • lobemanet
          -71 year ago

          No hatred here. Just leave the kids and women spaces alone.

        71 year ago

        I’ve never understood the need to militantly oppose others’ personal situations when they have no impact on your own. Even playing devil’s advocate - what is the point of the hate? You don’t believe in gender identity, then don’t personally be trans. The fact that others may be would seem to have literally zero impact on you or your life. Why should Lemmy accommodate negativity that does real harm to people in sensitive circumstances?

        • lobemanet
          11 year ago

          Trans identified males (TiMs) raping women in prisons.

          Tims cheating women of prizes at their sports, and injuring them, and being proud about it.

          Tims performing sexually suggestive dances at darg events in front of children.

          Tims invading common changing spaces and getting naked in front or women and girls, masturbating and taking pictures inside women’s public bathrooms, sexually assaulting girls there, punching girls there at schools. Women and girls complaining about this told to shut up.

          Women events to speak and watch movies about these topics invaded by tims and TRAs, physically attacked, silenced.

          Teenage girls transitioning to boys because of autism, trauma, indoctrination, or contagion, with no lenghty therapy, just affirmation and immediately put in puberty blockers, having their breasts cut off and getting a frankenpenis made by mutilating their arms or tighs.

          Children 3 years old and up being declared as trans by their parents with munchausen by proxy, for fame and money, having their dick cut off at 16.

          Children in elementary school brainwashed by ideology books and teachers, made to transition without their parents knowing.

          Children removed from their parents if the parents don’t affirm them.

          Divorced parents where one of them says their three year old kid is trans and the other parent can’t do anything and loses custody.

          Women of the year awards granted to tims.

          Brand promoting protucts for women with tims ambassadors, tampax, nike women, ulta.

          Target selling bathing suits for children that are “tuck friendly”.

          People losing their jobs or careers if they speak out.

          People arrested for posting on twitter and TRAs not liking it.

          Millions of dollars made by pharma companies and hospitals and surgeons because of the trans epidemic, making the cycle continue by preying on mentally ill young people.

          Drag queens reading children’s books to kids.

          Vilification, abuse, harrasment, false accusations, threats, violence, assaults, etc to anyone who disagrees.

          Erasure of the word “woman” and “man”, replaced by menstruators, chest feeders, birthing parent, prostate haver, cervix haver, in medical campaigns meant to prevent illnes by advocating frequent medical checkups, where vulnerable and marginalized populations then do not understand the language and miss said medical checkups.

          Tims breastfeeding babies with their male hormone induced lactation.

          Rape shelters where women get bundled up with tims, when they just went through rape trauma, now having to share the space with males with penis.

          Cancellation, harrasment and false accusations to a woman that funds and creates a rape shelter for women only.

          Cancellation etc. Of female athletes that speak out. See the case where a female swimmer had the same time to the millisecond against a tim swimmer and the trophy was given to the tim. Then she was attacked by tras at an event where she was speaking about this.

          I think that cover a little of how this affects people.

            11 year ago

            I can’t believe you took the time to write me this novel-length hate manifesto. I doubt any of us are going to change your entrenched views, so I’m going to stop engaging with this thread. But I would humbly suggest you ponder (to yourself, in silence), the impact that words can have on vulnerable people.