If a country like the UK decided to ban end-to-end encryption, how would they even enforce it? I understand that they could demand big companies like Apple stop providing such services to their customers and withdraw certain apps from the UK App Store. But what’s stopping someone from simply going online and downloading an app like Session? I mean, piracy is banned too, yet you can still download a torrent client and start pirating. What would a ban like this actually prohibit in the end?

  • Juntti
    2 days ago

    If encryption would be banned then how any information in internet can be trusted? I am not computer expert but…

    https is encrypted between client and server, so how are banking going to work if there are no encryption betveen client and server? Or anything that matter, no secure way to communicate with banks, stores, coverment (taxes, etc.) . That would bring internet as whole back to 80-90’s. Whole idea seems to me 100% bullshit. And since bad actors have learnes thing or two since 80’s it would be all you can eat buffet for them.

    Or i have missunderstood something…

    • reksas
      2 days ago

      surely they would retain the encryption capability for themselves so this is not a problem for them.