Slaughter’s Serenity
I haven’t been sitting on my laurels since the last post; I’ve just been focus painting to get this Cerastus Castigator ready to go! “Slaughter’s Serenity” just needs some basing touch-ups and maybe a transfer or two (though I think it looks great without), and then it’s done-done.
@warhammer40k #hobby #HobbyStreak #miniatures #ChaosKnights #40k #MiniaturePainting #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40k #Khorne #kitbash
that’s so pretty!
I’ve been meaning to get a cerastus lancer, but… hobbypile is already greater than forseeable time to make it smaller. :D
@Malix thanks! I’m forcing myself to work through the hobby pile even if it’s only for a little bit each day. The time is starting to add up and I’m making meaningful progress.