I am interested in people’s view on the value of “bundled” federated services offerings. I have seen that most new fediverse offerings, like Lemmy or Mastodon, usually start with the first instance being the most popular, and then a scattering of self hosted instances.

At the same time I have run across a couple of projects that offer a range of services to members like email, chat and VPN. Specifically these two:

https://disroot.org/en https://riseup.net/

I was wondering if people thought there was a space for something similar in the fediverse. An organization that offers a range of fedi applications: mastodon, lemmy, etc… to members of its community.

  • @salarua
    03 years ago

    there’s no such thing as an apolitical instance. the concept of a community-owned and -operated not-for-profit social network is a fundamentally anarchist ideal. not to mention the lack of an explicit political statement is itself a political statement.