In all seriousnessness i have banned almost 5 accounts now that messaged me this exact same post. Is there a way to block this shit?

  • webghost0101OP
    1 month ago

    All the messages referred to the same links. If those aren’t the scammers account then I don’t know what they are getting out of this.

    In any case i think this picture has been shared wide enough that even in the case of a ex lover revenge scenario it might be better to raise awareness not to contact or bother any accounts under this name.

    Usually the reason a scam keeps going is because its working, which in this case would be compelling people to contact using those links.

    I also do hope that who ever is behind it can be traced and called out.

    I am not 100% certain on this however. If there is overwhelming support for taking it offline i will.