I was thinking about doing a weekly Tips and Tricks thread. To help get through life. Anything that you have found helpful to make life easier. Doesn’t have to be autism related per se. Just trying to make life easier. There are so many little things we just don’t know until it’s pointed out.

This is a daily post for “casual” conversation. If you want to post or talk about something non autism related this is where to do it. For example if you want to info dump about your special interest but it doesn’t fall into “autism related” then you can post it here in the comments. All other rules are still active, be respectful to each other.

  • Ananääs
    1 month ago

    Good idea! Life pro tips for autists!

    My day was much better than yesterday, apparently my tolerance to ADHD meds has rapidly increased. After work I went to a trans/nb/gender questioning meeting and realized that my closest peer group is indeed neurodivergents. Made noodle salad with teriyaki tofu and peanut sauce - one of my favorites!